Timeshares, Vacation Homes, and Your Estate Plan
If you have a timeshare or vacation home, it essential that you make a plan for it before you die. Dying without a plan can create difficulties for your family during an already difficult time.
Estate Planning: What Landlords Need to Know
If you own investment property, the most important thing you can do for your family is ensure that you make a comprehensive plan.
Estate Taxes 101
If you don't make a plan, your estate could receive a hefty tax bill soon after your death.
What is a Corporate Trustee?
When you create a Trust, you will appoint a Trustee – a person or entity who will manage your Trust. A Corporate Trustee is a bank or trust company that is appointed to act manage your Trust.
8 Questions for the 8 Nights of Hanukkah
In the spirit of the 8 nights of Hanukkah, here are 8 questions you can discuss with your family and loved ones, one for each night.
Estate Planning for Empty Nesters
If you are an empty nester, or are about to become one, you are in for a big life change and your estate plan should change along with your life.
How to Talk to Your Kids About Money
As a parent, getting into conversations about money now, in an age-appropriate way, is a huge opportunity to pass on values and lessons.
Gifting by Grandparents
Providing for your grandchildren’s future is a way to leave a lasting legacy.
10 Important Tasks to Do No Matter What Time of Year
No matter what time of year it is, now is the time to do what you’ve been putting off until the time is right.
Demystifying the Probate Process
Probate is the legal process of settling the estate of someone who has passed away, the decedent.
What About a Trust?
Unlike a Will, which only comes into effect after you die, a Trust can provide benefits to you and your family during your lifetime as well as after your death.
Keep Your Estate Plan Up-to-Date
An estate plan that is out of date can put you and your family at risk. You spent the time and effort needed to create an estate plan that will protect your family – make sure it can grow with your family.
The 8 Essentials Parts to a Comprehensive Estate Plan
Make a comprehensive estate plan to ensure it will work for your family when they need it most.
First Steps: What to Do When a Loved One Dies
When a loved one dies, the idea of managing their affairs can be overwhelming, confusing, and intimidating. If someone close to you dies and you have been named as their personal representative, here are the essential first steps you should take.
Funding Your Trust
There are many advantages to a Trust. However, your Trust is only as useful as the assets you actually place in the Trust. You can create a great Trust, but if you don’t place any assets in the Trust, you are not getting the full benefit of your Trust.
Estate Planning for Blended Families
Blended families have special estate planning considerations. If you don't make a plan, there is no guarantee that if you leave your assets to your new spouse, he or she will provide for your children after you are gone.
Trust the Process: The Benefits of Comprehensive Planning
Creating a comprehensive estate plan ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and protects your family from legal complications. Working with an experienced estate planning attorney is crucial.
When Is the Right Time for Estate Planning? It's Younger Than You Think
Adults at every age should make sure they have an estate plan in place. Your plan will make sure your end-of-life wishes are followed and your loved ones are taken care of after your death.
Estate Planning When a Family Member Has a Substance Abuse Issue
Estate planning for a loved one who is an addict is difficult and complex and you need help from someone who is experienced in creating a plan to not only transfer wealth from one generation to another, but also address the unique issues of your family.
Digital Assets - Are They Part of Your Estate Plan?
If you don’t make a plan for your digital assets, your family may end up losing money you’ve earned or treasured family memories.
Estate Planning for Newlyweds
If you are planning to get married, or you just got married 6 months or 6 years ago, now is the time to make sure you have an estate plan in place.
Important Estate Planning Conversations You Should Have with Your Parents
Here are some important topics of conversation that you should discuss with parents, especially if you are the person in the family who will be tasked with taking care of it all.
More Than Just Online Forms: The Vital Role of an Estate Planning Attorney
Although it's tempting to search for online forms and DIY solutions to create an estate plan, your family and loved ones may be left cleaning up the mess after you’re gone.
7 Common Estate Planning Myths
There are many misconceptions people have about estate planning. Here are 7 of the most common ones and what you really need to know.
Make a Plan for Your Assets
But the reality is that estate planning is for everyone, no matter their age or wealth, and not having an estate plan can be traumatic and costly to your family.
Plan to Leave More Than Money
Create an inheritance that lasts longer and is more powerful than money.
Incapacity Planning - What is It, Who Needs It, and Why?
If you only plan for your death, you are leaving a big hole in your plan.
3 Questions Every Young Family Should Ask About Estate Planning
As a young family, you already have a busy life and thinking about estate planning can be overwhelming. But there are 3 questions every young family should answer.
What Plan is Best for My Family?
Determining whether a Will or a Trust is best for you depends entirely on your personal circumstances. Estate Planning has evolved so much and makes choosing the right tool for the job even more complex.
Why Estate Planning is Essential for Supporting Your "Chosen Family"
Chosen families can be just as or even more important and meaningful as our families of origin, and it is crucial to ensure that they are supported and protected in the event of your passing.
Second Parent Adoptions – Or Why You Need to Adopt Your Own Child
No matter how a queer couple builds their family, it is critical that they take the necessary legal steps to ensure that they, as the intended parents, are actually recognized as such.
4 Things Event Queer Parent Should Pack on Vacation
As a queer family, we have to think beyond toiletries and clothes. Before taking any trip, we grab our "to go" packet of important legal documents that we always have with us.
Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples
Getting your estate plan in order puts you in the driver's seat to tell your family and loved ones your wishes should you become incapacitated or pass away.
Estate Planning for Singles
Being single, whether because you haven’t gotten married yet, choose to be single, or have been widowed or divorced, doesn’t mean you should wait to create your estate plan.
Estate Planning for College Students
While your 18-year-old may still be a child to you, remember that he or she is now legally an adult. You will no longer be able to make your child’s health care decisions on their behalf. And as parents, you also cannot act on your child’s behalf in financial transactions.
Getting Divorced? Here’s 4 Documents You Should Update Now
Going through a divorce changes nearly every part of your life, and that includes your estate planning.
How Estate Planning Can Help Prevent Elder Abuse
As people age, they become targets of financials scams or victims of elder abuse. When planned correctly with an experienced legal professional, an estate plan can help prevent elder abuse.
Make a Plan for Your Pets
As you plan your estate, make sure you make a plan for all the members of your family – even those with fur, scales or wings.
The Four Questions of Estate Planning
Judaism is a religion of questions - it seems like we have questions we ask for every holiday! In honor of Passover, here are the Four Questions of Estate Planning.
Why Your Child Needs a Health Care Guardian
Nominating a HCPOA for your young children is an important step in ensuring that their medical needs are met, even if you are unable to make decisions for them.
6 Signs You Should Hire an Estate Planning Attorney
You probably know that you need an estate plan, but are you sure you need an estate planning attorney?
The "When I Die" File
Creating a "When I Die" file puts all your essential information in one place, and helps you provide your loved ones with a lifeline amidst stress and confusion.
5 Estate Planning Questions to Ask Before You Travel
Does your estate plan (or lack thereof) come to mind every time you head out on vacation?
What to Look for in a Probate Attorney
When selecting a probate attorney, it is essential to find someone who is experienced in the probate process.
Estate Planning for a Closely Held Family Business
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into growing your business. Have you considered what will happen to your family or your employees if you do not make a plan for your business in the event of your passing?
Planning for Your Legal Life
Jenny joined Shane Fowler, host of Your Life Your Way & Co-Host Erik Krema to talk about Planning for Your Legal Life.
Planning for the Unexpected: The Importance of Estate Planning for Incapacity
A comprehensive estate plan the includes incapacity planning can ensure your wishes are followed, your assets are protected, and reduce the likelihood of family conflict.
Estate Planning for Seniors
Though estate planning for seniors can be an uncomfortable subject, making a plan gives you and your family the peace of mind that they know exactly what your wishes are and have the plan to make that happen.
Making a Plan for a Child with Special Needs
While it's important to be thoughtful when creating an estate plan for your loved ones, it's especially important to be careful when your estate plan includes beneficiaries with physical or mental disabilities, or chronic illnesses.
The Dangers of DIY Estate Planning
Estate planning is serious business, and there is a lot at stake. DIY is great for some things, but estate planning is one task you should leave to the experts.
How to Avoid Fights Over Your Estate
Far too many families end up fighting, or at least experiencing tension, over a family inheritance. A few simple steps now can keep your family out of court and out of conflict.
Make a Plan for Your Children
As a parent, it can be hard to imagine your child’s life if you aren’t around. But it is essential that you make a plan for your children if something happens to you.
5 Areas of Insurance You Should Be Thinking About
GUEST ARTICLE - Not having the right insurance can create major headaches for your family if anything happens to you.
Beer & Money Podcast
Jenny joined Ryan Burklo and Alex Collins of Quantified Financial Partners to discuss the importance of having your affairs in order, the difference between a will and a trust and why you don't want to wait to get this taken care of.
Traditional Burial, Cremation, or…
It has not been that long since the choice for what to do with your body after you’re finished with it was simple but recently the number of choices in Washington has expanded greatly.
Why Your Vacation Property Needs a Trust
If you have a vacation home or any property out of state, these must be considered when crafting your estate plan.
What You Need to Know About Washington’s New Long-Term Care Act
Washington State has passed a new law mandating public long-term care benefits for WA residents. Is it appropriate for you and your family?
Financial Planning by the Decade
GUEST ARTICLE - Here are broad generalities of what a person should focus on for financial planning during each decade of their life.
Top 4 Financial Tasks You Should Take Care of
at the End of The Year
Once you can check these four financial tasks off your to-do list, you will be able to move full steam ahead into the new year well-prepared and organized.
Make a Plan for Your Digital Assets
You want to make sure you pass along everying you've worked for, including your digital assets.
Removing Race or Identity Based Restrictive Covenants from Your Property
You can remove racist restricted covenants from your property.
Making a Plan for Incapacity
What would happen to your family and assets if you were incapacitated, whether from an accident or illness?
7 Reasons to Ask Me, Not Google, to Help
Plan Your Estate
You can DIY a lot of things, but your estate plan shouldn't be one of them.
Don't Fit a Your Life to a Form, Find a Plan that Fits Your Life
Should you change your life to fit the forms you can download? Or should you make a plan that fits your life.