Real Estate - Forclosure - Eviction

Real Estate


If you are looking to invest in real estate, consult with our attorneys on the proper business entity, and commercial and residential leases, proper local registrations, and other related issues.




We work with landlords to ensure that proper procedures are followed when evicting tenants.  Whether it be for a single family residence, or for a multi-unit property, or attorneys will be able to guide you.




If you are facing foreclosure, The Law Office of Jenny Ling , PLLC, can help you determine your available options, whether it be mortgage modification, short sale, mediation or bankruptcy.


Have you received the Notice of Pre-Foreclosure?


We can request a meet and confer with the lender to discuss your options for mortgage modification or other work outs prior to mediation under the Foreclosure Fairness Act.  A request must be made within 30 days of the date of the Notice.



Foreclosure Fairness Act and Mediation


We can help you save your home under Washington's Foreclosure Fairness Act. The Washington State legislature enacted the Foreclosure Fairness Act (FFA) in June 2011. The FFA requires lenders to mediate foreclosure issues with homeowners.  Mediation can only be requested through a HUD counselor or attorney. The participants in mediation must address the issues of foreclosure that may enable the borrower and the beneficiary to reach a resolution, including but not limited to reinstatement, modification of the loan, restructuring of the debt, or some other workout plan.  At mediation, all parties are required to mediate in good faith. Homeowners are eligible to request mediation  under the FFA once they receive a Notice of Default until 20 days after the Notice of Trustee’s Sale has been recorded.


Timeline to Request FFA Mediation


Day 0 - Notice of Pre-Foreclosure

Day 30  - Deadline to request meet and confer

Day 90  - Notice of Default - Clock starts to request FFA Mediation

Day 120 – Notice of Trustee Sale

Can request FFA Mediation until 20 days after Notice of 

Trustee Sale is Recorded           



Contact us for an appointment at (206)-859-5098 or complete our Contact Form.


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