Planning Your Legacy: A Beginner's Guide to Estate Planning

When:  Tuesday, July 23

                7:00 - 8:00 PM


Secure Your Family's Future with a Solid Plan  


Are you looking to secure your family's future by planning your estate but don't know where to start?


This free online event is designed for anyone who wants to understand the basics of estate planning, including wills, trusts, and other important documents. Join estate planning attorney Kristy Hoad who will guide you through the process of planning your legacy.


During this event, you'll learn about:

  • The importance of estate planning
  • The different types of estate planning documents
  • How to protect your assets and ensure they are distributed according to your wishes;
  • Strategies for minimizing taxes and reducing estate administration costs;
  • The role of wills, trusts, and other estate planning tools in achieving your goals;
  • How estate planning can protect your children's inheritance from creditors and divorce; and
  • Tips for avoiding common estate planning mistakes that can jeopardize your plans.


Whether you're young and just starting out or are well into your retirement years, estate planning is essential for protecting your loved ones and ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes.


Join us and take the first step towards securing your family's future.


 Cost:  FREE

Demystifying the Probate Process

When:  Wednesday, August 14

                6:00 - 7:30 PM


Demystify the Probate Process and Learn Actionable Steps for Better Estate Planning


Do you understand the probate process and how it affects your estate?  Join at this free online event, designed to provide clarity and guidance on navigating probate in Washington State. We'll help you understand the basics of the probate process, some of the key legal terminology and concepts used in probate, and learn effective strategies to manage or avoid it. With insights from both legal and financial perspectives, this session promises to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to secure your family’s future, avoid legal delays, and protect their legacy.


Join experienced probate attorney Michael Safren and Zach Baggenstos, financial advisor at Edward Jones, as we demystify the probate process and learn actionable steps for better estate planning. 


At this event, you will:

  • Gain a clear understanding of probate and the probate process;
  • Review a probate timeline, the legal requirements, and basic steps involved in the probate process;
  • Dispel common misconceptions of the probate process;
  • Learn steps, strategies, and actions you can take to minimize the probate process and ensure a smoother transition for your loved ones;
  • Discover strategies for planning for your children, and loved ones no matter how old they are;
  • Understand how to minimize tax implications for your heirs; and
  • Find out how to protect your assets and heirs effectively.


Don't miss this valuable opportunity to learn from professionals and ask your pressing questions. Whether you're planning for your future or assisting loved ones with their estate planning, "Demystifying the Probate Process" will offer essential insights and actionable advice.


Register today to secure your spot and take the first step towards a more informed and prepared future.


 Cost:  FREE

The Essentials of Estate Planning

When:  Tuesday, August 20

                 7:00 - 8:00 PM


Don't Wait to Make a Plan


Believe it or not, you have an estate. In fact, everyone does. Your estate is comprised of everything you own— your car, home, other real estate, checking and savings accounts, investments, life insurance, furniture, and personal possessions. No matter how large or how small, everyone has an estate and needs to make a plan for it. 


When you die, you probably want to have a say as to how all that you have worked so hard for are given to the people or organizations you care most about. That is estate planning—making a plan in advance and naming whom you want to receive the things you own after you die.

However, good estate planning is much more than that. It should also:

• Impart more than just money – your values, life experiences, family stories;

• Make a plan for your children;

• Make a plan for not just your death, but also your possible incapacity; and

• Change with you as your life changes.


Join Kristy Hoad, estate planning attorney with offices in Seattle and Bellevue, and learn how comprehensive planning will enable you to have peace of mind knowing that your family is taken care of, and that there is no question about what your wishes are.


Cost:  FREE

The Importance of Estate Planning: Protecting Your Family's Future

When:  Tuesday, August 27

                 7:00 - 8:00 PM


Comprehensive Estate Planning Can Protect Your Assets and Ensure Your Legacy For Generations to Come


Whether you realize it or not, you have an estate.  Everyone does. Your estate encompasses all your possessions, regardless of their size or value, and you need a plan to manage it effectively.


At this free virtual event, we will cover essential information about estate planning and how it can safeguard your family's financial well-being.


During this presentation, you'll learn:

  • The importance of estate planning and the benefits it can offer to you and your loved ones;
  • How to protect your assets and ensure they are distributed according to your wishes;
  • Strategies for minimizing taxes and reducing estate administration costs;
  • The role of wills, trusts, and other estate planning tools in achieving your goals;
  • How estate planning can protect your children's inheritance from creditors and divorce; and
  • Tips for avoiding common estate planning mistakes that can jeopardize your plans.


As comprehensive estate planners, we help our clients have peace of mind knowing that their family is taken care of, and that there is no question about what their wishes are.


Join Kristy Hoad, estate planning attorney with offices in Seattle and Bellevue, to learn how to protect your family's future with proper estate planning.


Cost:  FREE

Estate Planning for Poly Families

When:  Wednesday, September 18

                6:00 - 7:00 PM


Love Multiplied, Legacies United​  


Join us for an insightful and informative event focused on the estate planning needs of Poly Families. Designed specifically for individuals and families in poly relationships, this event aims to address the unique challenges and considerations involved in estate planning within the context of poly families.


Estate planning is an essential aspect of ensuring the security and well-being of your loved ones, and poly families often face distinct complexities when it comes to legal and financial matters. At this free, online event, experienced estate planning attorney Jenny Ling will discuss the intricacies of estate planning in a poly family structure.


During this event, you will have the opportunity to:

Learn the Fundamentals: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key components of estate planning, including wills, trusts, power of attorney, and healthcare directives, and how they can be tailored to suit the unique needs of poly families.


Navigate Legal Challenges: Explore legal considerations and potential obstacles faced by poly families, such as multiple parents, inheritance rights, and legal recognition of relationships, and discover strategies to address these challenges effectively.


Financial Planning and Asset Protection: Understand the financial implications of estate planning and explore strategies for asset protection, tax planning, and wealth transfer within poly family structures.


Whether you are new to estate planning or looking to update your existing plan, this event will give you the tools to help you safeguard the future of your poly family.


Note: This event is open to individuals and families in all stages of polyamory, including those in committed relationships with multiple partners, co-parenting arrangements, or blended families. We welcome participants from diverse backgrounds and relationship structures.


Register now to reserve your spot and embark on a journey towards comprehensive estate planning that aligns with your poly family's unique needs.


 Cost:  FREE

Estate Planning for Parents

When: Tuesday, September 24

                7:00 - 8:00 PM


Do You Have a Plan to Pass on All You've Worked For?


It's a topic that appears on many parent's "To Do" list, but where does one start?

One of the most important things you can do for your family is making sure you have not only a Will, but also a plan in place for life's eventuality.

During this online event, we'll cover:

  • What happens if you don't plan;
  • What to consider when creating your Will;
  • Guardian nomination for minor children;
  • The importance of incapacity planning;
  • How wise and thoughtful planning can protect your adult children;
  • The benefits of trust planning; and
  • How you can get your estate planning done virtually from the comfort of home.

As comprehensive estate planners, we help our clients have peace of mind knowing that their family is taken care of, and that there is no question about what their wishes are.

Join Kristy Hoad, estate planning attorney with offices in Seattle and Bellevue, to learn how comprehensive planning can be the most important gift you give your children and family.


 Cost:  FREE

Estate Planning and Your Loved Ones: Making the Right Choices

When: Tuesday, October 1

                7:00 - 8:00 PM


Secure Your Tomorrow, Today


Estate planning is an essential part of ensuring your loved ones are well taken care of when the time comes. Whether you're just beginning to consider your estate plan or looking to make updates to an existing one, this event is for you.


Join Kristy Hoad, estate planning attorney with offices in Seattle and Bellevue, at this free, online event where she will guide you through the intricacies of estate planning, including wills, trusts, beneficiaries, and more. You'll gain valuable insights into how to make the right choices for your family's future and financial well-being.


Key Topics Covered:

The Importance of Estate Planning

Planning for Your Children, No Matter How Old They Are

Wills vs. Trusts: Which is Right for You?

Minimizing Tax Implications

Protecting Your Assets and Heirs

Legacy Planning


Whether you're young or seasoned, estate planning is a critical aspect of financial security and family well-being.


Don't miss this chance to take control of your financial future and protect your loved ones. Reserve your spot today and invest in the peace of mind that comes with proper estate planning.


 Cost:  FREE

Estate Planning for Queer Families

When:  Wednesday, October 9

                6:00 - 7:30 PM


Make a Plan to Protect What's Most Important to You


However your family is built, there are important steps that LGBTQ families need to take to plan for their future. Queer families have special needs when it comes to estate planning and protecting the legal rights of their families. 


During this online event, we'll cover:

  • What happens if you don't plan;
  • What to consider when creating your Will;
  • Guardian nomination for minor children;
  • The importance of incapacity planning;
  • Second parent adoptions and recognition of parental rights;
  • How to ensure the rights of your family are protected in all states and jurisdictions; and
  • How you can get your estate planning done virtually from the comfort of home.


As comprehensive estate planners, we help our clients have peace of mind knowing that their family is taken care of, and that there is no question about what their wishes are.

Join Jenny Ling, estate planning attorney with offices in Seattle and Bellevue, to learn how you can protect what's most important to you.


 Cost:  FREE

Landlord 101

When:  Wednesday, October 23

                 6:00 - 7:30 PM


Are you a landlord or thinking of becoming one?


This presentation is a great opportunity to find out more about the legal and financial side of being a landlord. Join Michael Safren, an experienced real estate attorney, at this free online event. 


He will discuss:

  • Asset Protection and Risk Management—How to keep everything you’ve worked for safe.
  • Landlord/Tenant Rights—Know your rights and responsibilities and updates on new laws.
  • Short-term Rentals—AirBNB, vacation rentals, part-time rentals.

 Cost:  FREE

Check back for more events!

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